Bauer, N. K. (2022) Tender Violence in US Schools: Benevolent whiteness and the dangers of heroic white womanhood. Routledge.
Refereed Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Bauer, N. K. and Watson, W. (2022). Exploring a critical race inquiry approach to the professional development of elementary school Teachers of Color. In C.D. Gist and T.J. Bristol (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers. . American Educational Research Association.
Bauer, N. K. (2020). What’s love got to do with it?: Toward a theory of benevolent whiteness in education. The Urban Review. doi 10.1007/s11256-020-00592-w
Bauer, N. K. (2015). A Nation Rising: A review essay. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 4(1).
Book Reviews
Bauer, N. K. (2020). [Review of the book Paradoxes of Hawaiian Sovereignty: Land, Sex, and the Colonial Politics of State Nationalism, by J. Kēhaulani Kauanui]. Native American and Indigenous Studies 7(2), 206-208.
Manuscripts in Preparation / Under Submission
Bauer, N.K. (2025). Invited review of the book Native Lands: Culture and Gender in Indigenous Territorial Claims, by Shari M. Huhndorf. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society.
Bauer, N. K. (2024). “White Teacher Fragility.” In E.E. Blair and S.L. Deckman, (eds.), Sage Encyclopedia of Education and Gender. Sage.
Hernandez, M., Bauer, N. K., and Sorgen, J. (in preparation). “Reclaiming Space: Sogorea Te’ Land Trust Landback Movement and the struggle for place making Identity.” (prepared for submission to Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City ).
Bauer, N. K. (in preparation) Remediations as Reparations: Why teaching academic writing in Ethnic Studies is, in fact, our job. (prepared for submission to Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy).
Bauer, N. K. (in preparation) Theorizing Kanaka identity and kuleana in diaspora. (Prepared for submission to Native American and Indigenous Studies Journal.)
Selected Public Scholarship
Bauer, N. K. (2015, August 7). We are Mauna Kea: Resistance in diaspora [Invited online article]. Retrieved from
Arvin, M., Bauer, N. K., Teves, L., Niumetolu, F., Vaughn, K., & Williams, L. K. (2015, March 8). Recognizing Indigenous Pacific Struggles in the Lei at Selma [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Arvin, M., Bauer, N. K., Teves, L., Niumetolu, F., Vaughn, K., & Williams, L. K. (2015, June 16). On Cameron Crowe’s Aloha and Indigenous Pacific Films We Actually Recommend [Web log post]. Retrieved from 2015/06/16/on-cameron-crowes-aloha-and-indigenous-pacific-films-we-actually-recommend/
“Space, Place, and Race: Addressing Settler Colonialism at the Roots of Education,” Invited Presidential Speaker. AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, April 13, 2024.
“Indigenous Research Methodologies” in HIST4990: Race, Gender and Incarceration,” Invited speaker, University of Utah, History Department. February 1, 2023
“Reflecting on and Amplifying Our Antiracism Framework,” Invited speaker. Sacramento State University, College of Education Convocation, May 19, 2021
“Building an Antiracist Classroom,” Invited Panelist, Commonwealth Club, February 26, 2021.
"Building an Antiracist Classroom"
Invited Panelist, Commonwealth Club, February 26, 2021.
"Abolitionist Teaching in These Times"
Invited Panelist, Mills College School of Education, August 28, 2020.
"Exploring a Critical Race Inquiry Approach to the Professional Development of Elementary Ethnic Studies Teachers of Color," [Invited Roundtable]. AERA Annual Meeting 2020, San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled due to COVID-19)
Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in School. Oakland, CA Film Screening & Panel Discussion.
Invited Panelist. February 8, 2020
"What's Love Got to do with it?: Toward a Theory of Benevolent Whiteness"
Research Justice at the Intersections Symposium, Mills College, December 5, 2019.
“Bodies of Knowledge: Race, Power, & Pedagogy."
Invited Talk, Center for Race and Gender, UC Berkeley, April 5, 2018.
"Theorizing Benevolent Whiteness as the Educative Arm of Empire"
UC Berkeley 14th Annual Education Research Day, February 26, 2016.
"Pyramid Schemes: Neoliberal, 'Post-racial' discourse and the reification of whiteness in schools."
UC Berkeley 14th Annual Education Research Day, March 14, 2014.
“The Peaceful Violence of Colonialism: Language, Hegemony, and the Ideological Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom.”
Graduate School of Education Research Day,UC Berkeley, April 6, 2012
“Bodies in Exile: Women’s (Re)clamation of Self in Calixthe Beyala’s Loukoum: the Little Prince of Belville.”
Mills College Academic Forum, February 2007
“Masculinity of Empire: Constructing Caesar in Shakespeare’s Antony andCleopatra,”
Northern California Renaissance Conference, UC Davis, May 5, 2007
“Creating Writing Rubrics Across the Curriculum in K-8 Schools” (workshop).
BayArea Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES) Annual Small Schools Symposium,March 13, 2004
“Using Standards-Based Assessments to Guide Writing Instruction” (workshop).
BayArea Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES) Annual Small Schools Symposium,March 14-15, 2003
Bauer, N. K. (2022) Tender Violence in US Schools: Benevolent whiteness and the dangers of heroic white womanhood. Routledge.
Refereed Journal Articles & Book Chapters
Bauer, N. K. and Watson, W. (2022). Exploring a critical race inquiry approach to the professional development of elementary school Teachers of Color. In C.D. Gist and T.J. Bristol (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers. . American Educational Research Association.
Bauer, N. K. (2020). What’s love got to do with it?: Toward a theory of benevolent whiteness in education. The Urban Review. doi 10.1007/s11256-020-00592-w
Bauer, N. K. (2015). A Nation Rising: A review essay. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 4(1).
Book Reviews
Bauer, N. K. (2020). [Review of the book Paradoxes of Hawaiian Sovereignty: Land, Sex, and the Colonial Politics of State Nationalism, by J. Kēhaulani Kauanui]. Native American and Indigenous Studies 7(2), 206-208.
Manuscripts in Preparation / Under Submission
Bauer, N.K. (2025). Invited review of the book Native Lands: Culture and Gender in Indigenous Territorial Claims, by Shari M. Huhndorf. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society.
Bauer, N. K. (2024). “White Teacher Fragility.” In E.E. Blair and S.L. Deckman, (eds.), Sage Encyclopedia of Education and Gender. Sage.
Hernandez, M., Bauer, N. K., and Sorgen, J. (in preparation). “Reclaiming Space: Sogorea Te’ Land Trust Landback Movement and the struggle for place making Identity.” (prepared for submission to Journal of Race, Ethnicity and the City ).
Bauer, N. K. (in preparation) Remediations as Reparations: Why teaching academic writing in Ethnic Studies is, in fact, our job. (prepared for submission to Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy).
Bauer, N. K. (in preparation) Theorizing Kanaka identity and kuleana in diaspora. (Prepared for submission to Native American and Indigenous Studies Journal.)
Selected Public Scholarship
Bauer, N. K. (2015, August 7). We are Mauna Kea: Resistance in diaspora [Invited online article]. Retrieved from
Arvin, M., Bauer, N. K., Teves, L., Niumetolu, F., Vaughn, K., & Williams, L. K. (2015, March 8). Recognizing Indigenous Pacific Struggles in the Lei at Selma [Web log post]. Retrieved from
Arvin, M., Bauer, N. K., Teves, L., Niumetolu, F., Vaughn, K., & Williams, L. K. (2015, June 16). On Cameron Crowe’s Aloha and Indigenous Pacific Films We Actually Recommend [Web log post]. Retrieved from 2015/06/16/on-cameron-crowes-aloha-and-indigenous-pacific-films-we-actually-recommend/
“Space, Place, and Race: Addressing Settler Colonialism at the Roots of Education,” Invited Presidential Speaker. AERA Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, April 13, 2024.
“Indigenous Research Methodologies” in HIST4990: Race, Gender and Incarceration,” Invited speaker, University of Utah, History Department. February 1, 2023
“Reflecting on and Amplifying Our Antiracism Framework,” Invited speaker. Sacramento State University, College of Education Convocation, May 19, 2021
“Building an Antiracist Classroom,” Invited Panelist, Commonwealth Club, February 26, 2021.
"Building an Antiracist Classroom"
Invited Panelist, Commonwealth Club, February 26, 2021.
"Abolitionist Teaching in These Times"
Invited Panelist, Mills College School of Education, August 28, 2020.
"Exploring a Critical Race Inquiry Approach to the Professional Development of Elementary Ethnic Studies Teachers of Color," [Invited Roundtable]. AERA Annual Meeting 2020, San Francisco, CA (Conference Canceled due to COVID-19)
Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in School. Oakland, CA Film Screening & Panel Discussion.
Invited Panelist. February 8, 2020
"What's Love Got to do with it?: Toward a Theory of Benevolent Whiteness"
Research Justice at the Intersections Symposium, Mills College, December 5, 2019.
“Bodies of Knowledge: Race, Power, & Pedagogy."
Invited Talk, Center for Race and Gender, UC Berkeley, April 5, 2018.
"Theorizing Benevolent Whiteness as the Educative Arm of Empire"
UC Berkeley 14th Annual Education Research Day, February 26, 2016.
"Pyramid Schemes: Neoliberal, 'Post-racial' discourse and the reification of whiteness in schools."
UC Berkeley 14th Annual Education Research Day, March 14, 2014.
“The Peaceful Violence of Colonialism: Language, Hegemony, and the Ideological Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom.”
Graduate School of Education Research Day,UC Berkeley, April 6, 2012
“Bodies in Exile: Women’s (Re)clamation of Self in Calixthe Beyala’s Loukoum: the Little Prince of Belville.”
Mills College Academic Forum, February 2007
“Masculinity of Empire: Constructing Caesar in Shakespeare’s Antony andCleopatra,”
Northern California Renaissance Conference, UC Davis, May 5, 2007
“Creating Writing Rubrics Across the Curriculum in K-8 Schools” (workshop).
BayArea Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES) Annual Small Schools Symposium,March 13, 2004
“Using Standards-Based Assessments to Guide Writing Instruction” (workshop).
BayArea Coalition for Equitable Schools (BayCES) Annual Small Schools Symposium,March 14-15, 2003